The Early Days

The NZCF is New Zealand's oldest youth organisation, with the first Cadet Unit being formed at Otago Boys High School in 1864.

By 1902, most secondary schools had formed Cadet Units, and the Army had become directly involved in Cadet training.

In 1929, the first Sea Cadet unit was formed in Christchurch, and rapidly began to expand nationwide

The Air Training Corps

The New Zealand Air Training Corps was formed in September 1941 with a goal of preparing young men for service in the RNZAF by providing basic knowledge and training. Until 1972, the Air Training Corps was a part of the RNZAF.

The Defence Act of 1971 formally established the New Zealand Cadet Forces with its three branches, the Cadet Corps (Army), Sea Cadet Corps (Navy), and Air Training Corps (Air Force). Units were then required to be funded and initiated by the community while the Chief of Defence Force was authorised to direct and supervise, and the Minister of Defence was responsible for the entire organisation. 

No. 7 (City of Hamilton) Squadron

7 Squadron was formed on the 29th of September of 1941 under the direction of Flight Lieutenant C.C.N Johnson and Flying Officer H.A.C Davy RNZAF. It's first Unit Commander was FGOFF S. Cuthbertson. 

From 1941 to 1948, the Squadron was located at the Money Order Office Building on Grantham Street. The building was demolished to make way for the Waikato Museum in the 1980s.

In 1948, we moved to the Army Drill Hall on Knox Street. 

In 1950, we moved to the Ministry of Works building on Cambridge Road, where we stayed until 2021.

In 2021, we shifted to Te Kowhai Airfield, where we still reside today.